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Caryophyllaceae, Pink Family

Image of Arenaria serpyllifolia(?), Thyme-leaved Sandwort(?), June 6, 2006, mountain area above Spuzzum, B. C. Arenaria serpyllifolia(?), Thyme-leaved Sandwort(?) (24 KB) additional image (31 KB) additional image (19 KB) additional image (22 KB)
Image of Moehringia macrophylla, Big-leaved Sandwort, June 7, 2006, Manning Park Moehringia macrophylla, Big-leaved Sandwort (25 KB)
Image of Sagina maxima ssp. crassicaulis, Coastal Pearlwort, June 2, 2006, West Vancouver Sagina maxima ssp. crassicaulis, Coastal Pearlwort (33 KB) additional image (33 KB) additional image (35 KB)
Image of Silene latifolia ssp. alba, White Campion, June 15, 2006, Roderick Haig-Brown Provincial Park Silene latifolia ssp. alba, White Campion (30 KB)

Index of families

Index of photos, sorted according to their common / scientific names


Pink family, Caryophyllaceae, Nelkengewächse, (in German, Agrostemma - Cucubalus (12 species) Dianthus - Gypsophila, 12 species Herniaria - Minuartia, 12 species Moehringia - Polycarpon, 9 species Sagina - Scleranthus, 7 species Silene, 18 taxa Spergula - Stellaria, 10 species)

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